JAKARTA - The police will hold an exhumation regarding the handling of the alleged exchange of babies that occurred at the Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital, Central Jakarta.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the exhumation process aimed at taking DNA samples would be carried out on Tuesday, December 17.
"Investigators have scheduled tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17, an exhumation will be carried out by an exhumation atay filti kibur to take samples of DNa from the baby," Ade told reporters, Monday, December 16.
In addition, efforts to investigate this case, the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the Cempaka Putih Police are said to be taking witness statements, ranging from parents, hospitals, to residents around where the baby's parents live.
The investigation was carried out to look for clues regarding whether or not there was a criminal element behind the alleged case of the accused baby being swapped.
"It is being investigated whether this incident has an alleged criminal act or not in the investigation stage," said Ade.
This case began when the initials MR (27) stated that the baby was swapped at a hospital in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta. In fact, in a state of death.
It started when his wife, who was pregnant with age, contracted on September 15, 2024. Then, MR took his wife to a clinic in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta.
Then, the clinic referred him to a hospital in the Cempaka Putih area under the pretext of dry water so that further medical treatment was needed.
"So I got a referral on September 15, 2024, on Sunday. I was referred from the clinic because this was to the Cempaka Putih hospital by the doctor," he said from a video recording circulating on social media, Tuesday, December 10.
Then MR's wife also had to undergo surgery at the Cempaka Putih area hospital on September 16, 2024.
However, MR said, after birth, the family was prohibited from seeing the baby who was female on the grounds that she was still under medical treatment.
"The baby was not shown to his mother. The gender and body parts were not shown to me, with my wife," he said.
"At that time I just came to be called to order the baby," he added.
MR continued, in the afternoon he was informed by the hospital if the baby was in critical condition.
"After that he asked me for permission to sign. But I didn't have time to read all of them. I said, sir, just sign first, sir. He said this is a permit to install additional oxygen," he said.
The next day, September 17, 2024, MR was informed by the hospital that the baby had died. MR admitted that he did not have time to see the condition of his son's body.
He received the baby's body from the hospital wrapped in cloth. MR, said the hospital, asked him to immediately bury the baby's body.
MR also buried his son's body at a public cemetery (TPU) in the Cilincing area.
Meanwhile, RSIJ Cempaka Putih through the Instagram account @rsijcempakaputih, clarified the case of the patient's exchange of baby children.
In the video footage, RSIJ Cempaka Putih is willing to provide facilities to the couple to reveal whether the deceased's blood is pasutri or not.
"We from the Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital will facilitate the DNA examination process to reveal the truth," said Director of RSIJ Cempaka Putih, Pradono in his statement in a video upload, Tuesday, December 10.
In addition, Pradono said that his party would bear the entire cost of the process.
"We will bear the necessary costs in the laboratory chosen by Pak Rauf and Mrs. Feni. Hopefully this will be a way of goodness for all of us," he said.
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