JAKARTA - The candidate for governor and deputy governor of Jakarta, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono, stated that he would return to his respective families after losing the 2024 Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) contestation.
This was conveyed after deciding to accept the results of the recapitulation of the Jakarta Regional General Elections Commission (KPUD).
"Pak Suswono and I after this, RIDO will rest immediately with the extraordinary high conditions yesterday. We will return to our respective families," Ridwan Kamil told reporters, Friday, December 13.
It is undeniable, during the campaign period, Ridwan Kamil was busy with busy activities. Every day, the man who is often called Kang Emil must be criminal from one location to another to promote himself and his program as a candidate for governor.
In addition, personally, Ridwan Kamil will also return to his early profession in addition to politicians. He will become a lecturer and architect to build the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).
"I am a lecturer, I am an architect, I am also still the curator of IKN. So loving this nation in a lot of shape doesn't have to be simplified as if, there are things that are practical political in nature," said Ridwan Kamil.
Meanwhile, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono, decided to accept the results of the Jakarta KPU recapitulation. The decision was chosen due to several considerations, for example based on the results of deliberation from leaders to leaders of political parties.
In addition, the man who is often called Kang Emil also conveyed his decision not to file a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK) aimed at learning related to democratic politics.
"The RIDO pair decided to accept the results of the Jakarta Pilkada which have been determined by the KPU," said Ridwan Kamil.
It is known that the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta number 3, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno have legally won 50.7 percent of the vote and won the Jakarta Pilkada in one round.
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