JAKARTA - Social Media activist Eko Kuntadhi smells the terror scenario that the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) wants to do. Although officially declared a banned organization by the government, FPI cells are still alive.

This is evidenced by the series of terror cases revealed by Densus 88 Police Headquarters, both in Condet, East Jakarta and Bekasi. Some of the perpetrators turned out to be affiliated with FPI. Call it HH Wakabid Field jihad Jaktim or ZA as The Head of Jihad Serang Baru, Bekasi.

"They then devised a pretty terrible action plan aimed at freeing the high priest Rizieq. The trick is to create chaos throughout Indonesia," Eko was quoted as saying by VOI from The CokroTV Youtube channel, Wednesday, April 14.

During the arrests in Condet, authorities secured hundreds more bombs and prepared raw materials. Everyday, continued Eko, this group camouflaged to hold a study activity or yasinanan.

The terror plot, according to Eko, is just a matter of time. Several perpetrators have also descended to the site to map the bomb point, giving the effect of a large explosion to a high death toll.

Indications can be seen from the presence of ZA and HH who had come to witness the trial of Rizieq Shihab in PN East Jakarta. "They have conducted a direct survey while Rizieq is being tried in PN East Jakarta.

There they map the conditions, study the weak points of security and determine the point of the explosion so that the victims can be as many as possible," explained Eko.

Eko added that the perpetrators arrested by the officers are FPI special soldiers who have been trained or prepared. Initially, they were assigned to directly escort Rizieq Shihab but were constrained when his lord was arrested by the authorities.

Hundreds of bombs confiscated by officers were planned to be sent to various BRANCHES of FPI in Indonesia. Not only that, each branch is also asked to prepare takjil or in FPI language as an explosive device or bomb.

"So they all just wait for time and signal to move simultaneously. The moment is being sought, special forces officers in various areas are on standby awaiting orders. It looks like rizieq's trial moment will be the momentum they chose,"

"The target is to kill all members of the TNI and Police that they can meet. In addition, they will also detonate various gas stations in order to cause major chaos in various cities and other blasting targets are chinese figures," eko said.

So who commanded these special forces to move? While The High Priest Rizieq Shihab was busy in court and Sobri Lubis as the Chairman of the FPI languished in custody?

"In the FPI structure there is only one pentolan that is still free to roam. Yes his name is Munarman, his position as Secretary General of FPI," explained Eko.

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