Makassar Police arrested six perpetrators of eviction of two of their victims on December 5, 2024 in front of the Horizon Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Makassar, South Sulawesi.
"We have secured it. Actually, we have arrested many perpetrators. But directly related to this crime, six people were actively involved in investigating and molesting the victim," said Head of Satreskrim Polrestabes Makassar Kompol Devi Sujana as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 11.
The six perpetrators were named as suspects, each with the initials A, R, W, F, R, and A. Some of the perpetrators are minors and others are adults.
Two victims, one male is still being treated in hospital because he was hit in the veins around his neck at the time of the incident, and another woman was hit in the thigh and had been removed by herself after
The chronology of the incident, when the victim rode home from his workplace, met dozens of people from this motorcycle gang who were reckless on the streets until they collided on Friday (5/12) night. The victim then fell because they shouted at him.
Feeling afraid because many of these groups even brought machetes, the victim then got up and then tried to increase the speed of his motorbike to avoid it, but unlucky they chased and fired arrows until it hit the victim's thigh and neck.
This group of motorcycle gangs is called Gacor Settings. There were 17 people detected at the scene, riding 2-3 people on a motorbike. This group felt champion and met the victim on the road, then carried out the act. The victim and the perpetrator did not know each other.
"It is still being developed on social media, especially for example residents who happen to know the perpetrators, and have been victims or friends have been victims, it can be conveyed (reporting), who knows we can develop it again," he told reporters.
When asked how he was with other colleagues, considering that at the time of the incident there were dozens of people disturbing the victim, Devi said, no one was on the wanted list.
The reason is that these six people are actively involved. We have secured nine people, including carrying sharp weapons, but these three people did not fulfill their elements actively.
For the evidence that was secured by officers in the form of arrows and catapults, as well as tools such as hammers and gerinda were hidden in the bushes behind the perpetrator's house which was used as the location for making arrows ranging from motorcycle trellis to concrete iron.
"We impose Article 170 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code on the layer of Emergency Law number 12 of 1951 concerning possession of sharp weapons and fire," he asserted.
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