Bandung Police have arrested the mastermind of the kidnapping of a woman in Bandung, West Java. In the action, the perpetrators of the watershed were assisted by three people, US, TTG, and HAR.
Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Bandung AKBP Abdul Rachman said the three were paid Rp100 thousand by the watershed.
If calculated, the payment to the perpetrator can buy four cups of coffee (Rp. 25,000/gold) at the coffee shop. Abdul Rachman added that the kidnapping plan was under the pretext of collecting debts to the victim.
The victim's cellphone was taken and the driver's SIM card was revoked. However, the device was returned to the victim. The perpetrator then handed the victim over to a motorcycle taxi driver to be taken back to his house," he said in Bandung, Antara, Wednesday, December 11.
Asmara became the motive for the kidnapping that took place in the Sukanegara area, Antapani on Sunday, December 8.
"On the way, the victim asked to break up or not continue the relationship so that the perpetrator with the initials DAS was hurt and jealous," said Rachman.
Rachman said the relationship between the victim and the watershed had been going on since 2014, when the victim was still in the process of divorcing her husband.
"The information we get from the victim, they have had an unregistered marriage, but it means we need to open there are letters that need to support this statement. This is only verbal about the victim," he said.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Jules Abraham Abast, revealed that the police had also found evidence of firearms used to threaten the victim during the kidnapping. The firearms were known to belong to the suspect DAS and were found along with ammunition totaling nine bullets.
"The evidence used by the Xenia vehicle unit was used to carry the victim, and one SIG Sauer P229 firearm along with ammunition was 9 9 rounds of 9mm caliber," Jules said.
Jules said that currently his party is still investigating the possession of firearms by the suspect.
"Winning or not so far has not found ownership of the permit, we are still exploring the origin of this weapon, borrowed, bought, or where it can come from," he said.
For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Articles 328 and or 333 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 8 and 12 years in prison.
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