JAKARTA - Psychologist Irma Gustiana shares "Ikhlas" tips as the key to maintaining balance in living life in the holy month of Ramadan.

"Ikhlas" shared by Irma stands for six important things to keep life balanced both physically and mentally despite having to fast in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic for the second year in a row.

"I stands for fill (isi) the time with a passion or hobby. For example, nowadays many who do a hobby of cycling, hobby or passion is good to break our attention from negative things that can make our energy drained," said Irma as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 12.

During Ramadan, you can fill your free time or "ngabuburit" time with previously forgotten activities that can be done with more focus.

The second is K or Study (kaji) and tadarus can be done to improve the personal relationship with God.

In addition to studies and tadarus, you can also do sahoor and iftar online to improve relationships with friends and family.

The third is H, short for appreciate (hayati), and accepts all forms of trials from God so that you can understand the process of growing and developing as an individual during fasting in the midst of difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Fourth is L to take time (luang) to maintain body fitness. It is important to increase immunity, especially in times to maintain the health of the body. During this fasting period you can do sports in the afternoon or iftar time," said the psychologist who founded the "Growing Room" Clinic.

Next for A is to ignore (abai) news that has negative content, do not accept the adverse impact of negative content.

If you receive negative content, sometimes our focus is divided so that eventually the worship ends up not maximal.

Lastly, S, which stands for mutual (saling) support, reminding each other, and empowering each other.

According to Irma, the last tip is the most important thing because it can increase happiness among family members during Ramadan in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"With these three things, it will certainly increase family resilience and it can increase happiness among family members in fasting," Irma concluded.

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