The couple's camp number 1 for the Jakarta gubernatorial election, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono walk out during the open plenary meeting, the determination of the election results for governors and deputy governors today, Sunday, December 8. This moment occurred before the Jakarta KPU determined the vote count results at the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Central Jakarta.
Initially, the witnesses from each candidate pair got the opportunity to convey the incident or special notes. At that time, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono's camp questioned the alleged violation at Pols 028 Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta.
He said, there were unscrupulous TPS officers who were suspected of voting for pair number 3, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno. This incident is referred to as a form of abuse of people's voting rights.
"The incident at Polling Station 028 Pinang Ranti in East Jakarta should be suspected of happening at other polling stations. Where the voting rights of Jakarta residents are misused by KPU officers who should be professional and neutral, what happens can also be allegedly planned so that our democracy is tarnished and tarnished," said witness from the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono camp at the location.
The candidate pair camp number 2 of the Jakarta gubernatorial election, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana, also questioned the same thing. He considered that the final number did not represent the community widely due to invalid voices.
The atmosphere heated up when the candidate pair number 3, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno got the opportunity to talk. "We want to comment a little, candidate pair number one and candidate pair two express or record objections or special events, don't know special events or objections," said one of the witnesses from the Pramono-Rano camp.
Ridwan Kamil-Suswono's camp then refused. They asked the Chairman of the Jakarta KPU Wahyu Dinata so that the Pramono-Rano witness would not be given the opportunity to speak.
"I'm sorry that this chairman is not a matter of assessment to 03, there is no need for various comments," said the witness.
"We allow them to still allow them to say we have permission (out, red)," he continued.
Wahyu had time to prevent it. However, the witness of the team number 1 pair rushed to give a file to the KPU and chose to leave the room
"Allow our chairman to leave the trial," said the witness.
Wahyu asked the committee to record the walk out event. Because the meeting on the determination of the results was not followed by all candidate pairs representatives.
"Please, the committee will make an incident later, especially that team 01 walked out leaving the event forum," he concluded.
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