JAKARTA - Former Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil (RK) was one of the speakers in the Golkar Institute training program entitled Executive Education Program for Young Political Leaders, Batch-17.

In this class, RK shared his career experience, since before entering politics, continuing to serve as Mayor of Bandung, Governor of West Java, and ending his duties in West Java in 2023.

To the class participants at the Golkar Institute, who come from various regions in Indonesia, Ridwan Kamil revealed the success of the West Java Regional Government in helping poor villages in one leadership period.

When I was governor in 2018, there were thousands of poor villages in West Java. From a thousand villages behind and heavily lagging behind in West Java to zero. That's my best achievement, which I am proud of and I brought to this day," said Ridwan Kamil, quoted on Saturday, December 7th.

On the other hand, he admits that RK's biggest pride is when it is able to provide as many benefits as possible for the community.

Moreover, these benefits stem from the initiatives, policies, and decisions he makes as a leader. That spirit he wants to transmit to young people.

On that occasion, RK revealed that Indonesia will reach its peak momentum in 2045. With the number of people aged as productive as much as 70 percent, he stated that Indonesia would become one of the world's major economic powers.

In fact, Indonesia is predicted to be able to penetrate the top four world economies. The big goal, according to RK, must be nurtured from now on.

"If we can maintain the momentum, we can rank four in the world. One condition is not to fight. Because the only country in 2045, 70 percent of the population is young, only Indonesia. So, it's now or never. It's just a matter of how the 70 percent figure is based on being a state machine or being accused of being a burden on the state," he explained.

Separately, one of the participants in the Golkar Institute Executive Education Program for Young Political Leaders, Marissa Harahap, assessed that the experience shared by RK was valuable enough for her to plant.

I attended the Golkar Institute class which was filled by Kang Emil. Very useful, based on his experience. It contained all the meat and I was really looking forward to being able to hear other Kang Emil experiences, unglap Marissa.

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