JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, responded to the ethical sanctions of a written warning to members of Commission I of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Yulius Setiarto, for accusing the National Police of not being neutral in the 2024 Pilkada. According to Puan, the Council's Honorary Court (MKD) has worked professionally in examining and deciding ethical cases committed by Yulius.
"If it is then considered in his statement or then his behavior, there are things that we must pay attention to or then evaluate, of course we must follow up on this in our mechanisms and professionalism," said Puan at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday 5 December.
Puan ensured that the MKD would impose ethical sanctions on all members of the DPR who were proven to have violated the code of ethics. According to Puan, DPR members from any faction have the right to speak, but ethical corridors remain limited.
"Members of the DPR have the right to speak, but MKD has a mechanism to see whether this matter must be checked or not. Then there is a mechanism that conducts a trial related to it," explained the chairman of the PDIP DPP.
Puan reminded that ethical sanctions can be imposed on all members of the council. For this reason, he hopes that the actions and words of the members of the council will still heed ethics.
"It's not just PDIP, all members of the DPR, members of any faction or party," concluded Puan.
The DPR MKD previously imposed a written warning to Member of Commission I DPR RI PDI-P faction Yulius Setianto. Yulius was proven to have committed an ethical violation following his statement that alluded to the neutrality of the apparatus in the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.
"Based on legal and ethical considerations, the MKD decided that the defendant Yth Yulius Setyanto Number Member A-234 of the PDIP Faction was proven to have violated the code of ethics and was given a written warning," said the Chairman of the MKD DPR RI, Nazaruddin Dek Gam yesterday.
Yulius was sentenced to ethical violations after being reported by a person named Ali Hakim Lubis for making an upload related to the alleged neutrality of the police in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.
However, Yulius emphasized that he did not feel that he had violated the code of ethics related to alluding to the neutrality of the police in the 2024 Pilkada. He emphasized that he only wanted to ask for clarification on the allegations that arose regarding the issue of neutrality of the police in the 2024 Pilkada.
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