JAKARTA - The Cibitung-Cilincing (JTCC) toll tariff is complained by road users because it is considered too expensive. In addition to users of the JTCC Toll Road, the high toll rate was also complained by logistics entrepreneurs. They urged the government and toll road operators to evaluate the JTCC toll rate which was considered too expensive.
Evaluation is needed so that the toll road connected to the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) 2 can be utilized optimally by logistics industry players and increase national logistics efficiency.
"The current Cibitung-Cilincing toll tariff is too high, even more expensive up to 50 percent compared to existing toll roads such as Japek or arterial roads. This makes many logistics actors reluctant to use the toll road," said Senior Consultant Supply Chain Indonesia (SCI), Sugi Purnoto in Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.
Sugi further said that the high toll tariff made the road less attractive, especially by transportation and logistics business actors.
Sugi assessed that competitive tariffs are the main key in encouraging logistics efficiency, which is also one of the government's focuses.
"We see that if the toll tariff is more competitive, logistics efficiency can increase by 50 percent. The decrease in travel time, operational costs, and reducing the risk of accidents are real benefits that can be felt by business actors," he said.
The existence of the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road, continued Sugi, is actually very important because it connects logistics areas with ports that have long been awaited by logistics actors.
However, the high tariff makes logistics entrepreneurs choose other toll routes and only use these toll roads as an alternative during emergency conditions.
"This certainly reduces the potential for time efficiency in smooth logistics using the Cibitung - Cilincing toll road," he said.
SCI hopes for a joint discussion between toll operators, the government, and logistics players to find the best solution related to the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road tariff.
"We all have the same goal, namely to support smoothness and logistics efficiency. For that, we are ready to have a dialogue with all parties to find the best solution," said Sugi.
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