KENDARI – The Profession and Security Division (Propam) of the Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Regional Police revealed that the IDR 2 million that was forcibly demanded or extorted from honorary teacher Supriyani was used for the construction of the Baito Police Criminal Investigation Unit building.

Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Police Propam Division, Senior Commissioner Moch. Sholeh, said this was revealed in the code of ethics trial against the former Baito Police Chief, Ipda Muhammad Idris, and the Baito Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Aipda Amiruddin.

"The money, which was received from the Wonua Raya Village Head Rokiman on behalf of Supriyani, was used to buy tiles and cement to build the Baito Police Criminal Investigation Unit room. This has been admitted in the trial," said Sholeh in Kendari, Thursday, December 5.

In the code of ethics trial, seven witnesses were presented, including Supriyani, her husband Katiran, her colleague Lilis Herlina Dewi, the Head of Wonua Raya Village Rokiman, and the parents of the alleged victims of the abuse, Aipda Wibowo Hasyim, and Nur Fitriana.

Currently, the Propam Division is still holding a follow-up trial with the agenda of deciding on Ipda Muhammad Idris and Aipda Amiruddin.

This case emerged after reports that Supriyani, an honorary teacher in South Konawe, was asked to hand over IDR 2 million to the Baito Police. The code of ethics trial against the two police officers was conducted to investigate alleged violations.

"Our focus is on the violations committed by Ipda Muhammad Idris. All witnesses have been examined to reveal the facts in full," said Sholeh.

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