JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has approved 5 candidates for the leadership of the KPK and 5 candidates for the KPK Council for the 2024-2029 term of office in a plenary meeting at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, December 5. This ratification was taken after Commission III of the DPR RI reported the results of the fit and proper test on the KPK Capim and the KPK Dewas candidates on 18-21 last November.

"Based on the assignment given by Bamus on November 11, 2024, we Commission III have received an assignment to discuss candidates for leadership and candidates for the KPK supervisory board for the term of 2024-2029. This assignment is as follows up on the Indonesian presidential letter number R60/Pres/11/2024 regarding candidates for KPK leadership and candidates for the KPK Council for the term of office 2024-2029," said Chairman of Commission III DPR RI, Habiburokhman in the plenary meeting room, Nusantara II Building.

The names of 5 KPK Capims were selected based on voting in Commission III of the DPR, namely Setyo Budiyanto, Johanis Tanak, Fitroh Rohcahyanto, Ibnu Basuki Widodo and Agus Joko Pramono.

"Based on the recapitulation, the elected KPK Capim for the 2024-2029 term is the first, Setyo Budianto as chairman, the second Johanis Tanak as Deputy chairman, we inform Mr. Johanis as an incumbent while currently carrying out his duties and according to law it is possible not to attend and remain legally elected as deputy chairman," said Habiburokhman.

"Third, Fitroh Rohcahyanto as Deputy Chair, fourth Agus Joko Pramono as vice chairman, finally Ibnu Basuki Widodo as vice chairman," he continued.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the DPR Commission III voting, 5 candidates for the KPK Council for the 2024-2029 term, namely Benny Joshua Mamoto, Chisca Mirawati, Wisnu Baroto, Gus Rizal and Sumpeno.

Then, the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked whether the five KPK leaders and adults for the 2024-2029 period could be ratified.

"Can it be approved?" said Puan, answered agreed by the members of the Council.

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