JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKB faction of the DPR RI, Jazilul Fawaid, responded to an apology from Ulama and Lecturers, Miftah Maulana Habiburokhman or Gus Miftah and admitted to joking at making fun of a tea ice maker at a recitation event. According to Jazilul, Gus Miftah's joke was out of place and critical.
"Yes, it's a joke in the wrong place, in my opinion. Maybe just let go of control, because Gus Miftah is known as an indecomposable kiai, right, the kiai who goes to the places that are conveyed is indeed inappropriate. I'm sure Gus Miftah also knows that, but maybe he just went too far," said Jazilul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.
Jazilul also suggested that Miftah apologize directly by meeting the family of the ice man. Moreover, his actions received a massive response from the community.
"Kebablasan, kebablasan, berkerjak lah. Makanya saya lebih baik Gus Miftah datang saja, bertemu dengan keluargannya," katanya.
The PKB deputy assessed that the ice seller would forgive Gus Miftah if he came directly not through his attorney. According to him, this issue could be a lesson for Miftah, who now serves as the president's envoy for religious harmony in the future.
"Saya yakin orang kecil seperti penjual es itu juga apa namanya, mulia hatinya. Saya yakin juga permintaan maafnya juga akan diterima ya, kenapa menggunakan kuasa hukum segala ini kasus apa silah? Ini kan soal kemanusiaan saja yang sekadang lepas dari kontrol kita atau kontrol tokoh ketika melihat orang yang bawah, orang yang kurang berkun, hanya penjual es gitu, tapi kan tetap dia warga Indonesia, dia tetap saudara kita yang harus dihormati," jelasnya.
"I think there must be a lesson for Gus Miftah, for the people of Indonesia as a lesson together," concluded Jazilul.
Previously, Gus Miftah had apologized after the video of him insulting the ice tea trader with the word 'clumping' went viral on social media. Miftah admitted that she was reprimanded by the Cabinet Secretary, Major Teddy Indra Wijaya.
Through a video message, Miftah clarified that she really likes to joke with anyone. He admitted that he had made a mistake in throwing disrespectful words at the iceman.
"I am Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman, responding to what went viral today. First, with humility I apologize for my mistake. I often joke with anyone," Miftah said in a video, Wednesday, December 4.
"Therefore, for joking the person concerned, I will apologize directly. Hopefully the door will be opened for me, sorry," he continued.
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