The ferry crossing at Bakauheni Port was temporarily closed due to extreme strong winds and high waves.

This decision was taken to ensure the safety of users of sea transportation services, based on recommendations from the Bakauheni Port Authority and Port Authority Office (KSOP).

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadillah Astutik, revealed that the delay in crossings will last for the next 1-2 hours, with the ship's departure time adjusted to weather conditions. Even though there is a delay, services at the port will continue.

"If the wind and waves are still high, there is a possibility that we will take further steps, such as temporarily closing crossing services for safety," said Kombes Pol Umi in his statement, Tuesday, December 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

In addition, to overcome the potential for accumulation of vehicles at ports, the authorities have prepared traffic engineering by implementing a delay system in several rest areas, such as rest areas 38 and 62.

This aims to regulate the volume of vehicles bound for ports, reduce congestion, and facilitate transportation.

Even though the crossing was postponed, Kombes Pol Umi appealed to people who would use Bakauheni port services to keep monitoring weather information and adjust their travel time.

"We invite the public to always pay attention to weather conditions so that there is no accumulation of vehicles that can disrupt the smooth transportation," he added.

Previously, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) appealed to the public and users of crossing services on the Merak-Bakauheni track to be more aware of extreme weather that could affect the smooth running of the sea.

ASDP emphasizes the importance of careful travel planning for the convenience and safety of all.

Based on the BMKG report, the weather around the Merak-Bakauheni track on Tuesday, December 3 is in alert status. The wind blows at a speed of 17-23 knots from the southwest, and the sea wave height is estimated to reach 1.5 to 2.5 meters. This condition is expected to last until evening.

ASDP also continues to strengthen coordination with various related parties, including the BMKG, Police, and Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) to ensure ship operations continue to run according to safety standards.

ASDP's Corporate Secretary, Shelvy Arifin appealed to all service users to plan trips well, avoid busy hours, and buy tickets online via Ferizy to speed up the check-in process.

"We ask for the understanding of service users regarding the delay in service due to extreme weather, and we invite the public to follow the directions of officers in the field. The safety of service users is our top priority. We are working with all stakeholders to ensure that crossing services remain optimal even in the midst of extreme weather challenges," he said.

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