JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) will immediately replace the Acting (Pj.) Mayor of Pekanbaru, Risnandar Mahawa, who was caught in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrest operation (OTT) in Pekanbaru, Riau.
"The Ministry of Home Affairs will immediately assign an ASN (state civil servant) of the Primary High Leadership to replace the person concerned as Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru so that government administration continues to run and is not disturbed," said Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) Bima Arya Sugiarto when contacted by ANTARA from Jakarta, Tuesday, December 3.
The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs said that the Risnandar case was a warning and a lesson to the Acting. and all regional heads to really avoid corruption.
Furthermore, he said, Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian in meetings through teleconferencing applications often reminded Pj. and regional heads not to commit violations, especially corruption.
Therefore, he emphasized that if Risnandar is proven to have committed corruption, he must be legally responsible.
Meanwhile, he explained that while working as an ASN at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Risnandar was a well-performing employee, so he was appointed as Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru.
"Evaluation of his work as a Acting Mayor. The Mayor of Pekanbaru is one of the good ones," explained the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.
Prior to serving as Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru, Risnandar was the Director of Community Organizations at the Ministry of Home Affairs. He was then appointed as Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru by Acting Governor Riau Sofyan Franyata Hariyanto on May 22, 2024.
The KPK investigating team has arrested state officials in the OTT which took place in Pekanbaru, Riau, Monday (2/12).
"It is true, the KPK has arrested state officials in the Pekanbaru area, Riau," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron when confirmed in Jakarta, Monday (2/12).
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