JAKARTA - The National Police's General Supervision Inspectorate (Irwasum), Komjen Dedi Prasetyo, held an audience with the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) regarding strengthening cooperation and supervision of police personnel. The meeting took place at the Kompolnas office, on Monday, December 2, 2024.
"Kompolnas has always been the main partner of the National Police and synergizes in various fields, related to the main tasks of the National Police. Kompolnas is at the forefront of providing explanations to the public. The National Police is greatly helped by the criticism and input provided by Kompolnas," said Dedi in his statement, Tuesday, December 3.
In addition, it is also stated that the National Police always supports the main tasks and functions of Kompolnas as external supervisors.
Several things have been done to support the performance of Kompolnas, namely preparing an e-candidate application, One HR and the National Police HR Command Center, which uses AI technology.
The technology is claimed to make it easier for Kompolnas to obtain accurate track record data for personnel needed.
In addition, Dedi also said that Itwasum Polri created a Command Center to receive reports and manage public complaints. Then, open a hotline to accelerate the handling of complaints.
"Everything we have prepared will make it easier for Kompolnas to supervise the National Police and also propose a future candidate for the National Police Chief. Because we recorded the track records of every member of the National Police, starting from the receipt to the end of the task. Everything is recorded neatly in One HR digitally," he said.
The Daily Chairman of Kompolnas, Arief Wicaksono, welcomed the programs run by the Police. According to him, the authority currently owned by the National Police must be maintained properly. Because, there are always efforts made by certain parties or individuals who will weaken the Bhayangkara Corps.
"Kompolnas has an interest in ensuring the professionalism of the Police. It is our duty to supervise the performance of the Police and maintain the dignity of the Police institution in the eyes of the community," said Arief.
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