JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya continues to hunt down four suspects who are included in the People's Wanted List (DPO) in online gambling cases that are subject to employees of the Ministry of Communication and Digital or Komdigi.
So far, 26 people have been named as suspects and arrested in connection with the case.
"There are 4 suspects who are still on the DPO," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, quoted Monday, December 2.
The four fugitives have the initials J, JH, F and C. Currently, investigators are looking for information and clues about their whereabouts.
In handling the online gambling case that was arrested by Komdigi elements, Polda Metro Jaya is known to have arrested two new suspects. They have the initials AA and F alias A.
For AA arrested on November 26. From the deepening, he played a role in the crime of money laundering or money laundering.
Meanwhile, F alias A was arrested two days later. In the online gambling network 'Komdigi' his role as an agent of an unblocked gambling site.
"The suspect acts as an agent of 40 online gambling websites," said Ade.
The suspect in the online gambling case has a total of 26 people. Of the dozens of suspects, 9 of them were employees and one Komdigi expert staff, namely Adhi Kismanto.
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