SENTANI - The Jayapura Regency General Election Commission (KPU) stated that 18 local polling stations (TPS) held a re-vote (PSU) for the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada).
This followed a violation that prompted the Jayapura Regency Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to hold a PSU.
The Chairperson of the Jayapura Regency General Election Commission, Efra J Tunya, said that a PSU would be held at 18 TPS from eight districts.
He mentioned five TPS in Sentani District, four TPS in Nimboran District, one TPS in Demta District, two TPS in Kemtuk District, three TPS in Waibu District, one TPS in Depapre District, one TPS in Ebungfauw District, and one TPS in West Sentani District.
According to him, the PSU could occur because violations were found by the supervisory committee (Panwas) because the KPPS distributed the remaining ballots, and there were voters using invitations that did not match their names," he said.
He explained that with the findings of the violations, the Panwas in the eight districts of Jayapura Regency gave recommendations for a PSU through Bawaslu.
"The revote will be held no later than 10 days after the voting or on December 7, 2024," said Efra as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 2.
He added that his party would evaluate the voting organizer group (KPPS) that committed violations.
"In fact, during the technical guidance, we had reminded them that the remaining ballots should not be distributed to the public because it violates the rules," he said.
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