PDI-P spokesman Aryo Seno Bagaskoro revealed the reason his party fired politician Effendi Simbolon was because he was against the ideals, ideas, values, and principles of the party.
According to Seno, PDI-P cadres should establish political communication in line with the principles held by the party. However, Effendi Simbolon did not do this.
"So in the case (case) of Mr. Effendi Simbolon, this party has never even taken a firm stance when it comes to the principles of value," Seno said during a press conference at the PDI-P DPP Office, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 1.
Seno explained that Effendi Simbolon had a meeting with the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the 2024 Pilkada. It is known that Jokowi supports the candidate pair for regional head who are different from the PDI-P, especially in DKI Jakarta.
"Pak Effendi Simbolon met and communicated with Pak Jokowi. This is a different problem with others, with other political figures, but this met with Pak Jokowi, before taking a political step that was different from party recommendations," said Seno.
Met separately, PDI-P spokesman Chico Hakim said that the party bearing the white-nosed bull symbol was one of the most disciplined parties in Indonesia. Therefore, cadres must be upright with party principles.
However, Chico ensured that the dismissal of cadres who were against the principle went through the internal democratic process of the party first.
"There are also many of our cadres who commit violations are still taking mediation. However, I don't think Bung Effendi Simbolon is new at all. There is some kind of disobedience from what has become the party's decision and the gong is in the Jakarta Pilkada," he said.
Previously, the PDI-P officially fired Effendi Simbolon for providing support to regional head candidates who were not supported by his party, namely the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono pair.
"It is true, the person concerned has been fired from party members for violating the code of ethics, party discipline, and the PDI-P Household Budget / Budget," said PDI-P DPP Chairman Djarot Syaiful Hidayat, Saturday, November 30.
Based on the Decree of the PDI-P Central Executive Board (DPP) Number 1648/KPTS/DPP/XI/2024, Effendi was fired for not heeding the PDI-P DPP instructions related to the recommendations of candidate pairs in the 2024 Jakarta Governor and Deputy Governor Election from the PDI-P.
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