JAKARTA - The Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, is targeting tourist visits during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays to reach 67 thousand tourists so that the target of 2.5 million tourists is achieved by the end of 2024.

Head of the Tourism Marketing Division of Disbudpar Cianjur, Tita Rosilawati in Cianjur Sunday, said that like the end of the previous year, the level of tourist visits to various tourist attractions in Cianjur would increase on December 24.

"Reflecting on the late last year, the level of visits to various tourist attractions in Cianjur began to be seen one week before the end of the year until three days after the new year," he said, quoted by Antara.

His party estimates that tourist visits to various tourist attractions in Cianjur during Christmas and New Year's around 67,792 people and an estimated number of tourists staying overnight spending New Year's Eve around 16,699 people.

Meanwhile, regarding the number of visits during 2024, which is targeted at 2.5 million people by September, it has reached 71.68 percent or 1,810,280 tourists, so it is optimistic that the target number of visits this year can be achieved.

"We are still recording the number of visits during the last two months of October-November which was reported to be quite high because there are several annual agendas held, one of which is Sunset in the Gardens located in the Cibodas Botanical Gardens and a national-scale running event held by one of the hotels," he said.

So with these two activities, the number of visits will increase to 80-90 percent of the target because tourists come and more than 400 thousand participants attend, coupled with a number of activities in early December.

Even at the end of 2024, his party fully supports a number of activities that will be held by hotel managers and tourist attractions that can invite many participants and tourists from within and outside Cianjur, especially tourists from Jabodetabek.

"However, we urge tourists who want to spend the long Christmas and New Year holidays in Cianjur in addition to the weather that often rains also related to vehicle queues, so it is better to come early to Cianjur so they don't get stuck in traffic jams," he said.

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