The police revealed the injuries suffered by father, APW (40) and RM (69), after being killed by a teenager with the initials MAS (14) at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday, November 30 at 01.00 WIB.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, said the victim suffered injuries to the neck and back. This is known based on an initial examination

"The victim died of his neck, back, and arms," Gogo told reporters in Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday, November 30. Meanwhile, the perpetrator's mother with the initials AP (40) who was also a victim suffered a stab wound to the back.

However, AP can still be saved. This happens because the stabbed victim is not a deadly part. "The back part, back and arms, yes, and cheeks," he said.

Currently, AP is still undergoing treatment at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta. Because the victim is still in critical condition. "The victim of AP is still critical. At Fatmawati Hospital," he said.

Previously, the police revealed the confession of the perpetrator with the initials MAS (14) who was suspected of killing his father, APW and grandmother, RM because he got magical whispers.

Gogo Galesung said, based on the initial examination, the perpetrator admitted that he could not sleep and got a whisper.

"Yes, at first he felt he couldn't sleep, then there were things that whispered to him, disturbing him like that," Gogo told reporters at the location, Saturday, November 30.

However, his party will continue to explore the youth's confession. The goal is to find out the motive for this action. "We are still investigating this, this is still the beginning, just the initial information from us," he said.

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