JAKARTA - Fenomena kemenangan kotak kosong di Pilkada Pangkalpinang 2024 menjadi sorotan. Dalam hitung cepat kotak kosong unggul dengan raihan suara mencapai 60 persen, melawan calon tunggal yang diusung PDIP, Maulan Aklil-Masagus M Hakim.

Melihat fenomena ini, pengamat politik dari Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad menilai kemenangan kotak kosong menjadi peringatan bagi para politisi. Sebab menurutnya, masyarakat seperti bosan dengan janji-janji yang tak ditepati.

"Ini juga mencerminkan harapan masyarakat yang besar akan perubahan," ujar Andriadi kepada VOI, Sabtu, 30 November.

Andriadi menilai, kemenangan kotak kosong adalah cara rakyat menyuarakan protes sembari menuntut pemimpin yang lebih kredibel dan inklusif. Kemenangan kotak kosong, kata dia, bukan sekadar anomali, tetapi cerminan nyata dari dinamika politik lokal.

"Ini menjadi peringatan bagi para politisi," kata Andriadi. Ia pun menyarankan para politisi agar menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat, karena kepercayaan masyarakat adalah aset.

"Kedua, masyarakat menginginkan alternatif yang berkualitas, bukan dominasi politik satu kubu," katanya.

Ketiga, tambah Andriadi, kandidat masa depan harus lebih responsif terhadap aspirasi rakyat."Dengan fenomena ini, partai politik dan para calon harus introspektif dan mengambil langkah konkret untuk memperbaiki hubungan mereka dengan masyarakat," pungkasnya.

Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pilkada, kemenangan kotak kosong dalam melawan calon tunggal mengharuskan daerah terkait untuk menyelenggarakan Pilkada ulang.

Pilkada ulang dijadwalkan tahun berikutnya, dan memberikan kesempatan untuk menghadirkan kandidat baru yang lebih representatif.

Namun fenomena kemenangan kotak kosong ini bukanlah yang pertama kalinya. Kemenangan kotak kosong dalam Pemilihan Wali Kota Makassar 2018 mengejutkan dunia politik Indonesia. Pasangan Munafri Arifuddin dan Andi Rachmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu), satu-satunya pasangan calon, kalah dari suara kotak kosong dengan selisih 36.898 suara.

Kehadiran kotak kosong terjadi setelah Mahkamah Agung (MA) mencoret pasangan petahana Mohammad Ramdhan "Danny" Pomanto dan Indira Mulyasari (DIAmi) dari pencalonan, karena dianggap melakukan kampanye terselubung menggunakan jabatan. Akibatnya, Pilwalkot hanya diikuti Appi-Cicu.

Saat hasil perhitungan diumumkan, kotak kosong meraih 300.969 suara, sementara Appi-Cicu hanya memperoleh 264.071 suara. Situasi ini memicu drama politik, termasuk klaim kemenangan oleh kedua kubu. Appi bahkan sempat mendeklarasikan kemenangannya sebelum hasil resmi keluar.

Fenomena kotak kosong ini dianggap sebagai "hukuman" rakyat terhadap elite politik. Kemenangan kotak kosong juga memicu perdebatan antara Partai Gerindra dan kubu Jusuf Kalla (JK). Gerindra menuding kekalahan Appi terkait dengan kedekatannya dengan JK, sementara kubu JK menilai hasil ini sebagai cermin kinerja partai pengusung Appi-Cicu yang perlu evaluasi.

Sengketa hasil pemilihan sempat dibawa ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), tetapi suara kotak kosong tetap dinyatakan sah dan menjadi pemenang resmi.

JAKARTA - The phenomenon of the victory of the empty box in the 2024 Pangkalpinang Pilkada is in the spotlight. In quick calculations, the empty box excels with the vote reaching 60 percent, against the single candidate promoted by PDIP, Maulan Aklil-Masangus M Hakim. Seeing this phenomenon, a political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad assessed that the victory of the empty box was a warning to politicians. Because according to him, people are bored with promises that cannot be kept. "This also reflects the expectations of the great community for change," Andriadi told VOI, Saturday, November 30.

JAKARTA - The phenomenon of winning an empty box in the 2024 Pangkalpinang Pilkada is in the spotlight. In quick calculations, the empty box excels with a vote reaching 60 percent, against the single candidate promoted by PDIP, Maulan Aklil-Masangus M Hakim.

Seeing this phenomenon, a political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, assessed that the victory of the empty box was a warning to politicians. Because according to him, people seem bored with promises that are not kept.

"This also reflects people's great hopes of change," Andriadi told VOI, Saturday, November 30.

Andriadi assessed that the victory of the empty box was the people's way of voicing protests while demanding a more credible and inclusive leader. The victory of the empty box, he said, was not just an anomaly, but a real reflection of local political dynamics.

"This is a warning to politicians," said Andriadi. He also advised politicians to maintain public trust, because public trust is an asset.

"Second, people want quality alternatives, not political domination of one camp," he said.

Third, added Andriadi, future candidates must be more responsive to the aspirations of the people. "With this phenomenon, political parties and candidates must be introspective and take concrete steps to improve their relationship with the community," he concluded.

Based on Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada, the victory of the empty box against a single candidate requires the relevant regions to hold a re- Pilkada. The re-cash is scheduled for the following year, and provides an opportunity to present new candidates who are more representative.

Based on Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada, the victory of the empty box against a single candidate requires the relevant regions to hold a re-cash.

The re-cash is scheduled for the following year, and provides an opportunity to present new, more representative candidates.

However, the phenomenon of winning this empty box is not the first time. The victory of the empty box in the 2018 Makassar Mayor Election shocked the Indonesian political world. The pair Munafri Arifuddin and Andi Rachmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu), the only pair of candidates, lost to the voice of the empty box with a difference of 36,898 votes.

The presence of the empty box occurred after the Supreme Court (MA) crossed out the incumbent pair Mohammad Ramdhan "Danny" Pomanto and Indira Mulyasari (diami) from nominations, because they were considered to have carried out a hidden campaign using positions. As a result, Pilwalkot was only followed by Appi-Cicu. When the results of the calculations were announced, the empty box won 300,969 votes, while the Appi-Cicu only received 264,071 votes. This situation sparked a political drama, including the claim of victory by the two camps. Appi even had time to declare his victory before the official result came out. This empty box phenomenon was considered a "law" of the people against the political elite. The victory of the empty box also sparked debate between the Gerindra Party and Jusuf Kalla's (JK) camp. Gerindra accused Appi's defeat related to his closeness to JK, while the JK camp considered this result as a reflection of the performance of the Appi-Cicu supporting party that needed evaluation. The election result dispute was brought to the Constitutional Court (MK), but the sound of the empty box remained valid and became the official winner.

The presence of the empty box came after the Supreme Court (MA) removed the incumbent pair Mohammad Ramdhan "Danny" Pomanto and Indira Mulyasari (diami) from their candidacy, because they were considered to have carried out a covert campaign using positions. As a result, Pilwalkot was only followed by Appi-Cicu.

When the calculation results were announced, the empty box won 300,969 votes, while the Appi-Cicu only got 264,071 votes. This situation sparked a political drama, including the claim of victory by the two camps. Appi even declared his victory before the official results came out.

This empty box phenomenon is considered a "punishment" of the people against the political elite. The victory of the empty box also sparked a debate between the Gerindra Party and the Jusuf Kalla (JK) camp. Gerindra accused Appi of losing in relation to his closeness to JK, while the JK camp considered this result as a reflection of the performance of the Appi-Cicu party which needed evaluation.

The election result dispute was brought to the Constitutional Court (MK), but the voice of the empty box was still declared valid and became the official winner.

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