The Cilandak Police have delegated the handling of a murder case by a 14-year-old with the initials MAS to the South Jakarta Metro Police.
The teenager is known to have killed his father (APW) and grandmother (RM) by stabbing with a knife. In fact, the perpetrator also had time to injure his mother.
"The suspects, evidence, and witnesses have been transferred to the PPA Unit (Women and Children Service) of the Resort Police," said Cilandak Police Chief Kompol Febriman Sarlase to VOI, Saturday, November 30.
With the reason that it has been delegated, Febriman is reluctant to reveal the results of the interim examination of the teenager, especially regarding the motive behind it.
It was stated that all the results of the handling would later be conveyed by the South Jakarta Metro Police who handled the case.
"Later, the Head of Public Relations will give a statement," said Febriman.
The murder took place in the Bona Indah Housing du, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday, November 29, at 01.00 WIB.
The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said that based on the testimony of a witness who is a security officer at the Bona Indah Housing with the initials AP, MAS was seen walking quickly from the location.
Because security officers had received a report about the murder at the victim's house, witness AP immediately called the perpetrator.
"Witness T saw the perpetrator. At that time, at first the perpetrator was seen walking quickly in the Park Block A of Bona Indah Housing. However, when called, the perpetrator suddenly ran towards the Karang Tengah red light," said Ade.
Seeing the perpetrators trying to escape, witness AP immediately asked for help through handy talky (HT) to witnesses GP and T.
"Witness T and witness GP immediately arrested the perpetrator. At that time, his right hand, left hand, and clothes were covered in blood," said Ade.
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