BENGKULU - The Bengkulu City Education and Culture Office (Dikbud) stated that unscrupulous government employee teachers with Work Agreements (PPPK) within the local city government are threatened with being fired if found guilty of sexual violence in the school environment.
Head of the Bengkulu City Education and Culture Office, A Gunawan, said that if it was proven legally based on the results of the decision from the District Court, the person concerned would be given sanctions according to the rules and the most severe was dismissal.
"Regarding this case, there is one of our PPPK personnel whose process is currently in court. So, we will see if the person concerned is really guilty or what kind," he said in Bengkulu, Antara, Friday, November 29.
The sanctions given to these unscrupulous teachers are in accordance with the court's decision, and the Bengkulu City Education and Culture Office will impose sanctions in accordance with existing regulations.
Some time ago, the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) of the Republic of Indonesia, Saifullah Yusuf, or usually called Gus Ipul, asked that perpetrators of sexual violence in the school environment carried out by PPPK within the Bengkulu City Government be given the harshest punishment.
"It must be sanctioned, it is no longer allowed. We must prevent it in such a way and if there is one, we must be punished severely," he said.
For this reason, he asked that the legal cases of related parties such as the police to ensure that the actions taken by individual PPPK teachers in Bengkulu City with the initials MA in September 2024 must continue.
Previously, the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) team from the Bengkulu City Police (Polresta) arrested MA (31) related to cases of sexual violence against children in elementary school (SD), namely M (11) on September 18, 2024.
Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Police, Iptu Endang Sudrajat, said that the perpetrators worked as PPPK at the school.
Based on the results of the examination, the case began when the perpetrator was in the school health business building (UKS) and the victim intended to take eucalyptus oil, due to stomach pain and the sexual violence occurred.
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