JAKARTA - Two perpetrators of voting 19 ballots in favor of Paslon Pramono Anung-Rano at Polling Station 028 Pinang Ranti, have been handled by the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu). Each perpetrator is the Head of KPPS, and the order officer at the TPS.
The commissioner of the East Jakarta General Elections Commission (KPU), Rio Verieza, said that the criminal effect had been submitted to the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu).
"In addition to Gakkumdu, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), the Police, and the Attorney General's Office are also handling this matter," Rio said when confirmed, Friday, November 29.
The East Jakarta KPU ensures that they respect the ongoing process at the Gakkumdu Center.
"Officers who violated and committed fraudulent acts by voting for pair number 3 have been dismissed," he said.
Rio said that all parties agreed to complete it in the vote recapitulation process at the sub-district level.
The East Jakarta KPU stated that the violations and fraud were not included in the criteria for PSU (re-voting).
"There is no official recommendation from Bawaslu yet," he said.
Previously, the East Jakarta General Elections Commission (KPU) confirmed that there was fraud in the Pilkada that occurred at the 028 polling station (TPS), Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta.
At least 19 ballots were found to have been cast for candidate pair number 3, Pramono-Rano Karno. One ballot has been entered into the ballot box, while the other 18 have not.
Based on the results of the East Jakarta KPU examination, the 19 ballots were voted by the head of the KPPS and the order at Polling Station 028 Pinang Ranti.
Luckily, the East Jakarta Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) TPS supervisor at 028 found out about the incident, and rushed to prevent 18 ballots from being cast into ballot boxes.
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