JAKARTA - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) released a guide for people who want to perform tarawih prayers in mosques during Ramadan 2021.

First, the congregation must ensure that the mosque or prayer room where tarawih is carried out has been strictly implemented health protocols according to the direction of the government.

"As the shaf distance is maintained, the lecture is not too long until the air circulation is good," said The Head of Guidelines &Protocol Division of the Indonesian Doctors Association Mitigation Team (IDI) Dr dr Eka Ginanjar, SpPD-KKV, Monday, April 12.

Second, the community must also ensure that the body is in a healthy and fit condition if they want to worship in the mosque. If you feel unwell or your body is not fit, it is better to pray tarawih at home only.

"Make sure we carry out 3M which is to wear a mask, keep a distance and wash our hands always," said the Secretary General of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Experts (PAPDI).

Third, Doctor Eka suggested that it is best to do wudoo' from home so that the mask does not need to be removed and worn again. Even if necessary, it is advisable not to remove the mask at all in the mosque.

"While in the mosque the mask should not be removed. That's why I recommend doing wudoo' at home and continue to wear a mask while in the mosque, so that prayers should also wear masks," he explained.

Fourth, bring your own prayer mat and prayer equipment. Such as prayer mats, sarongs or mukena.

"Regularly, wash prayer equipment and prayer mats to maintain cleanliness," explained Doctor Eka.

Finally, after tarawih immediately go home and avoid getting together with the crowds.

Previously, the Ministry of Religious Affairs announced the guidance of Ramadan 1442 Hijri worship for Muslims who want to worship in mosques and musala, be it for prayers fardu, tarawih, iktikaf or nuzulul Quran commemoration.

Mosques or mosques must keep the capacity only filled a maximum of 50 percent, each person must also keep a distance of one meter from each other.

Lectures or lectures are advised not to take too long, where the maximum duration is 15 minutes. Each place of worship is also required to provide a place to wash hands at the entrance, as well as disinfect the room regularly.

Majelis Tarjih and Tajdid Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah have also issued guidance on Ramadan worship during the pandemic 1442 H, one of which is the call to Tarawih Prayer at home.

However, Muhammadiyah also allows tarawih prayers to be held in mosques for areas that do not have cases of COVID-19 transmission.

Visiting the muhammadiyah.or.id page, Monday, April 12, in the implementation of Tarawih prayers must heed six conditions. Including:

1) shaf distance

2) wear a mask

3) mosque worship is limited to local residents

4) children, the elderly, and the sick with a history of Komorbid are not recommended to come to the mosque

5) bring your own prayer equipment and perform health protocols before entering the mosque and

6) takmir ensure the mosque in accordance with health protocols both before and after tarawih worship.

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