JAKARTA - Viral video related to the distribution of aid in disaster affected areas. The video went viral on social media because people in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) did not want to provide documented assistance.

Responding to the Head of Publication and News Section of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Herman Koswara called the documentation of the granting of assistance an important thing to do.

The first reason, the documentation as evidence if the aid has reached the community in need.

"Documentation is important, important. Why, one, documentation to make sure that the aid is in place," Herman said when contacted by VOI by telephone, Monday, April 12. In addition, documentation is also referred to as evidence of accountability.

Kemensos, said Herman, understand if people in the affected areas of course feel shock or frustration about their condition. However, he made sure, there was no rejection of help such as the viral video.

"I think when there is help that is indeed rejected, yes no. However, there may be miss precepts only," he said.

"Because I see, in NTT, NTB, the evidence bu Menteri (Mensos Tri Rismaharini, red) twice the term set out to make sure. That is, The Minister as the term supreme leader in the social field he wants to say hello, give emotional support to refugees by greeting directly," added Herman.

Previously reported, viral on social media showing how a number of residents refused help which they called just an imaging event. They also refused to meet the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini.

In a Twitter account uploaded @ipunglombok, it says donations were given to refugees as mere formalities. Indeed, in the video it appears a resident in a long-sleeved shirt asks donors to take home donated items.

"Donations of flood disasters are only a formality to be shot and then taken home again and tomorrow out the broadcast has sent help. We who flood this village so the formality assistance given for the news," he wrote.

"We were told to search, through the valley, we bet your life, do not take care of this stuff father, just take it home," said the volunteer.

"There are still many donors whose hearts are sincere, not because of this stuff you do not consider us fathers," he added.

"If you want a minister or deputy governor to come here, the deputy governor last night talked to me on TV, he said he wanted to come here, but if the procedure is like this take it here, photographed and then brought again it, take it straight home, it's too complicated, just take it home father, we don't need it," he said.

Furthermore, the man in the green shirt also expressed resistance to the district officers. The reason is, there's never been a district officer seen since the first day of flooding.

"Come just after D day, as if to rule us here. Father, our post is a pure volunteer post. We don't discriminate," he said.

The volunteer also claimed to be disappointed because the district was impressed to herd the refugees to meet the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini who was in the camat office.

Why do the refugees have to meet Risma? That's what they think. 'That's what we don't want. If the minister wants to meet with refugees, then the minister comes here."

"They (refugees) should not get out of here, because the physical and psychic are sick, the time to be brought to meet healthy people just because they are officials."

"If you want a minister or deputy governor to come here, the deputy governor last night talked to me on TV, he said he wanted to come here, but if the procedure is like this take it here, photographed and then brought again it, take it straight home, it's too complicated, just take it home father, we don't need it," he said.

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