JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that documents were rushed by truck. The reason, KPK did not find evidence when conducting a search related to alleged corruption in the Directorate General of Taxation, one of them in the office of PT Jhonlin Baratama.

"Based on the information we received, it is true, the KPK investigation team has obtained information from the public on the existence of truck cars," kpk spokesman Ali Fikri said in a written statement, Monday, April 12.

The truck was found in Hampang Subdistrict, Kota Baru Regency, South Kalimantan.

"It is suspected that (the truck, red) provided various documents related to the case that is being investigated," he said.

KPK, he continued, is currently conducting a search. Because, the truck in question has now moved location.

Ali hopes, after this information is submitted, the public can report if they find the whereabouts of the truck. He said anyone who knows can report it to KPK via 198 call center or by email [email protected].

Previously reported, KPK will crack down on all parties that obstruct the investigation process. This crackdown is in accordance with the Corruption Crime Act (Tipikor).

"Anyone who deliberately obstructs our investigation does not hesitate to apply the provisions of Article 21 of the Tipikor Law," said Fikri, Sunday, April 11.

This statement is intended to respond to the news of the leaking of search information of PT Jhonlin Baratama related to the alleged bribery case of the Directorate General of Taxation in South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan).

The leak led to a search of kpk nil evidence and information. Ali urged the relevant parties to be cooperative.

According to him, sooner or later the case of alleged corruption will be uncovered. "We remind the parties related to this matter to be cooperative," he said.

"We make sure that in the investigation of this matter, the KPK investigation team has been working in accordance with applicable procedures," he added.

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