BOGOR - In carrying out its duties and supervisory functions, the Bogor City DPRD through commission I and commission II conducted unannounced inspections (Sidak) to several regional apparatus organizations (OPD) offices on Friday 15 November.
Deputy Chairperson I of the Bogor City DPRD, M. Rusli Prihatvy, conveyed that the inspection or field visit carried out by Commission I to the MPP office as well as the land for prospective Pakuan Village and Commission II offices to the Office of the One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) was a form of the duties and supervisory functions of the Bogor City DPRD.
This activity was carried out to ensure that the implementation of the government in Bogor City remained on the track and part of the follow-up to the aspirations of the community regarding the services provided in the two agencies.
"Of course we want to ensure that government administration remains on track and follow up on the aspirations of the community regarding services in Bogor City government agencies," said Rusli, who also serves as coordinator of Commission I and Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD.
Commission I Of The Bogor City DPRD
The chairman of Commission I of the Bogor City DPRD, Karnain Asyhar, explained that from the field visit, he asked the Bogor City Government to improve the service and promotion of the Public Service Mall (MPP) located at Lippo Plaza Kebun Raya.
Because it can be seen that public visits to MPP have decreased and there has been no integration of the service menu between the vertical institution and the Bogor City government at MPP which was inaugurated in 2019.
"With a rental value of Rp1.3 billion, I think this should be the basis for the Bogor City Government to provide optimal service to the community. Then there must be efforts to increase in integrating service menus from vertical institutions and the Bogor City Government at MPP," said Karnain.
Then, Karnain also hopes that the land and buildings projected to become the Pakuan Village Office, South Bogor District can be realized in 2025. This of course aims to improve government services to the community.
"We hope that the presence of a new kelurahan office can provide optimal service for the community and can be realized in 2025," he concluded.
Commission II Of The Bogor City DPRD
Chairman of Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD, Abdul Kadir Hasbi Alatas, explained the arrival of Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD to the Bogor City DPMPTSP office to check various licensing services in Bogor City which have a correlation with the investment value and local revenue (PAD) of Bogor City.
Based on the results of the visit, Hasbi emphasized that the Bogor City DPMPTSP needs to disseminate information to residents and entrepreneurs who want to arrange permits. Because there are still many complaints related to the difficulties of residents and entrepreneurs who want to take care of permits.
"With the socialization and easy processing of permits, of course, it will stimulate the value of investment entering Bogor City," explained Hasbi.
He also asked the Bogor City DPMPTSP to provide assistance to the Bogor City PUPR Office regarding the management of PBG which is a replacement for the IMB. This aims to ensure that the income from permits does not decrease.
"We ask DPMPTSP to provide assistance to PUPR so that revenue from the PBG licensing sector does not decrease. Because we know that during this transition period, extra supervision is needed so that there is no leakage of income," he concluded.
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