AMBON - Sunni Muslims in several villages on Ambon Island will perform fasting 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri earlier, namely on Sunday 11 April.

Quoted from Antara, Sunni Muslims in five villages in Leihitu and Salahutu subdistricts, Central Maluku Regency, Ambon Island will fast earlier than stipulated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Residents of Wakal Village, Leihitu and Tengahtengah Subdistricts, Salahutu Subdistrict were notified of the fasting schedule by the imam and local mosque manager after Friday 9 April prayers.

Muslims in these two villages will perform fasting 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri on Sunday, April 11, 2021. Therefore they have performed tarawih prayers Saturday, April 10, night.

Muslims in Wakal Village have held the first tarawih sunnah prayer in the congregation at Nurul Awal Mosque after the Isha prayer. Meanwhile, tarawih prayers in Tengahtengah Village are centered at An 'Nima Mosque.

In the previous year, the two villages also performed fasting earlier than stipulated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The fasting schedule is determined by the imam and 12 builders called the head of the mosque, based on the ancient falakiah calendar.

Other villages that will perform fasting early are the residents of Hila, Kaitetu, and Seith villages in the Leihitu Subdistrict. The three villages will hold the first tarawih prayers in the congregation on April 11 and fast 1 Ramadan on Monday, April 12.

Similar to Wakal and Tengahtengah villages, the announcement of fasting in Hila, Kaitetu, and Seith villages was also announced at their respective mosques on Friday, April 9.

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