JAKARTA - KPK Chairman Candidate Setyo Budianto assessed that sting operations (OTT) are still needed as legal handling of corruption cases.
Budi conveyed this while undergoing a fit and proper test at Commission III of the DPR, Monday, November 18.
"In our opinion, OTT is still needed. Why is it needed? OTT is the entry point to cases that are needed to be able to open bigger cases," said Setyo.
However, according to him, OTT activities do not need to be too many as long as they are effective. "Indeed, this OTT does not need to be a lot, it is really selective, a priority, but it is still needed for now," he said.
"Really selective, a priority, in order to anticipate things such as pretrial motions, and others, but it is really selective, carried out rigidly, cleanly without doing things that minimize, there are no things that pose risks, but it does, can open up bigger problems or cases," he continued.
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