JAKARTA - The British government has confirmed the introduction of a three-tier traffic light system, to allow Britons to travel internationally.

Restrictions applicable to foreign travel will be changed in line with the application of this rule. Unnecessary foreign trips will be set up into the green, orange, and red zones with various requirements for travel.

So, what do the green zones, orange zones, and red zones that the UK applies? As quoted from Euronews, Saturday 10 April, this is related to the zoning system of countries outside the UK, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The green zone state will be a new addition to the current system. Tourists returning to the UK from these countries do not need to be quarantined.

Illustration of London. (Wikimedia Commons/Svein-Magne Tunli)

Meanwhile, those returning from the country's orange zone are expected to isolate only after returning. Hopefully, COVID-19 testing before and after arrival will remain a requirement.

Currently, migrants from red zone countries must undergo a 10-day quarantine at the hotel. This will continue, with four more countries added to the list on Friday, namely Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Adding tiers will bring some flexibility to where new destinations are allowed.

"In the zone where each country is located, it will be determined by data and evidence approaching time. This is expected to take place no sooner than 17 May, when the UK intends to reintroduce indoor socialization, reopening entertainment venues, as part of the third stage of the road map out of lockdown," the UK Government said.

As the COVID-19 vaccination program continues, could the UK make a hot holiday for British tourists? Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he has not given up hope that Britons can get a summer break and make the country 'fly again'.

ilustrasi inggris
Parade Gardens Somerset, England. (Wikimedia Commons/Adrian Pingstone)

However, he refused to guarantee the holiday would be restarted as part of the country's third phase. But reassure travelers and airlines, if they can make a travel schedule with a notice that will be issued by the government.

"We hope to start 17 May, but I don't want to underestimate the difficulties we see in some destinations that people might want to visit," Boris Johnson said.

"We don't want to see the virus re-imported from abroad," Johnson warned.

Meanwhile, the UK Government's efforts to enforce vaccine passports are in the hands of the BRITISH Parliament, where 70 MPs, including 40 conservative MPs, signed an agreement opposing the use of COVID-19 vaccine certification which is considered discriminatory and divisive.

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