DENPASAR - Police have arrested a man with the initials PPM aka R (42) muncikari a Uzbek commercial sex worker in Denpasar, Bali.
" (The case of) online prostitution with WhatsApp media, we uncover pimps and be made suspects," said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan in Mapolresta Denpasar, Bali, Friday, April 9.
Uzbekistan's suspected psk muncikari was arrested after police received a public report on prostitution at a hotel in The Teuku Umar area of Denpasar.
"Investigations are being conducted and information is obtained that suspects often sell prostitutes to men who want intercourse," Jansen added.
From the report, police visited the hotel which was reported by the public on Wednesday, April 7.
In two rooms there are non-married couples who are having sex. Two indonesian women and one Uzbekistani citizen.
"One of the women offered there is a foreign citizen of Uzbekistan," explained Jansen.
Online prostitution transactions are done with whatsApp messaging app. Dating rates are pegged at Rp2.5 million in one hour.
"The man has paid to the suspect rp 2.5 million each," he explained.
Police then arrested the suspect at his indekos, on Gelogor Carik Street, Denpasar, Bali.
"The suspect mode offers women to men or orders to hammer WhatsApp media for Rp2.5 million per person," he said.
Furthermore, the money was given to women amounting to Rp1.5 million. While the money of Rp1 million became part of the proceeds for the suspect.
"The result of interrogation has been repeated this act of fornication or immorality. From our deepening suspects doing this act since the beginning of 2020," said Jansen.

Police arrest a man with the initials PPM aka R (42) muncikari uzbekistan commercial sex worker in Denpasar, Bali.
In addition, the suspect claimed to have acquaintances of three Uzbek women to offer to men with striped noses. The suspect knew this wna woman at a discotheque in Bali.
Currently the police are still conducting a deepening related to this case including coordinating with Immigration in Bali for the status of the foreigners.
"Suspects are subject to Article 296 of the Criminal Code and or Article 506 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of one year and four months," kombes Jansen said.
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