JAKARTA - Aquaproof pioneer of anti leaking coating paint in Indonesia whose age is 40 years old has been known to excel in a series of waterproofing or anti-peak products. Not only innovating in one-component waterproofing products such as Aquaproof paint, Aquaproof Pro and Heatgard, this brand also produces two cement-based waterproofing products, namely Aquagard, Aquagard ECO7, Aquagard Koimaster and there are other waterproofing product categories.

Aquaproof is also the first in Indonesia to have obtained a certificate of SNI 8665:2018 water-based antibocor coating that shows the seriousness and commitment of Aquaproof to the quality of its products. Now, Aquaproof issuing a new product, namely Conseal as a spray waterproofing. This product certainly further strengthens that Aquaproof is an expert in waterproofing.

Conseal is a spray waterproofing that works effectively with a penetration system and closes the pore of capillary on concrete or cement.

"Initially Conseal was created to overcome the leaky problem in the upper floor bathroom, where most homeowners don't want to bother unloading ceramics to apply cement waterproofing. Conseal is here to offer easy application without the need to unload ceramics, just spray Conseal liquid into nat bathroom and keep it quiet for 8 hours. Before drying, the Conseal liquid that passes through the nat line can be overlapped first. The owner of the house just waiting for it to dry for 8 hours and the bathroom can be used as in general. It should also be noted that nat conditions are still in good condition when sprayed by Conseal, nat is neither eroded nor cracked because of the way Conseal works with penetration into the nat. Hacked and eroded Nat can certainly be repaired first," said Chandra Kurniawan as Marketing Manager of PT Adhi Cakra Utama Mulia, Thursday, November 7.

Conseal is identical quickly and practically so that every consumer can use it alone without the need to call a handyman. In addition to the upper floor bathroom, Conseal is also suitable for use in areas such as balconys and not concrete, or concrete and cement areas. Prior to the leak, homeowners can use Conseal as a precautionary measure in areas that require protection, because the risk of damage can result in renovation costs that usually tend to become larger. Conseal is marketed at an affordable price below Rp. 85,000 with a packaging size of 400 ml and use can be as wide as 9 m2.

Complete information regarding Conseal and other waterproofing options can also be seen on the website www.aquaproof.co.id and all Aquaproof social media. In addition, to help answer building problems both construction of new buildings and renovations, Aquaproof provides free consultation services through WA Aquaproof Care 0811190721. Purchase services of 24/7 can also be reached throughout the city in Indonesia through the Aquaproof Official online store in the marketplace or get Aquaproof products in the nearest building store. #AkuAppproveAquaproof.

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