PALANGKA RAYA - The Team of the Directorate of Public Criminal Reserse of Central Kalimantan Police uncovered child online prostitution in the guesthouse of Palangka Raya City.

Kalteng police arrested two suspects who were selling children in online prostitution.

Deputy Director of The Central Police Directorate AKBP Arie Sandy Z Sirait said the two perpetrators of the arrested child sellers had the initials FA (26) male and RH (18) female.

"They are recorded as residents of Palangka Raya City and have now languished in the Prison Mapolda Kalteng," said Arie.

The arrest of the two suspects was made on Tuesday, April 6. The arrest was made at Jalan Cut Nyak Dien Menteng Subdistrict, District jekan Raya Palangka Raya City.

The two were arrested when officers raided their activities at the guesthouse they rented to provide online prostitution services through the Mi Chat app.

Officers who were aware of the activity in the guesthouse also came with complete personnel, immediately raided two rooms number 11 and number 15.

"When raided in room number 11 the victim had the initials WN (16) and in room number 15 officers found the FA and RH. The two men who control the Mi Chat app to sell WN to men with striped noses," he said.

While the proceeds from the payment of prostitution is divided into three people with details of Rp100 thousand per person. That night the money from online prostitution was bought with methamphetamine.

Arie said they also had a drug binge in the guesthouse's room. Because the officers when raiding the two places found a meth suction device.

"The information we get once serving men with striped noses of minors that they sell can serve three to five men one night. For online prostitution services it is from Rp250-500 thousand / person," he said.

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