JAKARTA - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has a desire and plan to add tourist sites in Solo, Central Java. One of the things he will do is turn Ngarsopuro into Malioboro of Solo.

The plan's cue was apparent in Gibran's expression via @gibran_rakabuming's Instagram account. In the upload, a photo of Gibran accompanying the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, took a walk in Ngasopuro.

"Still accompanying Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono to continue the review of Ngarsopuro area and Gatot Subroto Street area. As I previously explained, this area if given special touches, then this place is suitable to be 'Malioboronya Solo'", wrote @gibran_rakabuming account in the photo's caption.

Work to realize Malioboro of Solo

To make Ngarsopuro similar to Yogyakarta's iconic spot, Gibran argues that several special jobs need to be done. Some of these things, such as the problem of sidewalks that need to be repaired, street lights that are left to die, street vendors that are not organized, green open space is still minimal, and the number of statues in Triwindu Market is damaged.

According to the number one person in Solo City, one of the attractions of the change of Ngarsopuro and the corridor of Gatot Subroto Street to "Malioboro" is Sardono Kusumo's art gallery.

"In this gallery was shown a 200-year journey of poets from Solo is awesome. Of course, this area will be perfect for the travel of tourists Ngarsopuro Region", said the account.

A brief history of Ngarsopuro

In 2018, the area of Diponegoro Street, Solo City, will be filled with tents on Saturday night. During the day, the road is crammed with vehicles, but at night it becomes a crowded market for pedestrians.

Dozens of merchants come to the location to sell their products, from culinary to handicrafts. This night market has the name Night Market Ngarsopuro.

Quoted from pariwisatasolo.surakarta.go.id, the originator was the father of the current Mayor of Solo, Joko Widodo, who at that time also served as the Mayor of Solo. The market has been active since February 16, 2009.

Various items can be found in the booths that stand in Ngarsopuro, especially the creation of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Solo. Visitors are free to buy items, such as food, souvenirs typical of Solo, fashion, children's toys, and many more.

This market is in the heart of Solo City. With its location and low prices, Night Market Ngarsopuro is always crowded with people and tourists.

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