The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated the arrest of former Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation Prasetyo Boeditjahjono through a long process. This is because investigators must follow him for three weeks.
"For information, we have followed the person concerned. We are looking for almost three weeks. So the arrests are not sudden," said the Director of Investigation at the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO, Abdul Qohar, quoted Monday, November 4.
The arrest or arrest of Prasetyo Boeditjahjono was because he did not even fulfill the summons for examination. Even though he is still a witness.
Prasetyo Boeditjahjono was secured at a hotel in Kokaliner, North Sumedang District, Sumedang Regency, on November 3.
Then, a series of examinations were carried out. Until finally he was named a suspect.
"The person concerned is with his family. Then, the intelligence team together with the investigators immediately went to the place in question and immediately arrested him," said Qohar.
The alleged corruption case began when the Class 1 Medan Railway Engineering Center (BTP) carried out the construction of the Trans Sumatra railway, one of which was the construction of the Besitang-Langsa railway which connects North Sumatra Province and Aceh Province with a development budget of IDR 1.3 trillion sourced from State Sharia Securities (SBSN), from 2017 to 2023.
In carrying out the construction, Prasetyo as Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation for the 2016 period, 2017 ordered the defendant Nur Setiawan Sidik (NSS) as the power user of the budget (KPA) to decompose the construction work into 11 packages and asked the NSS to win eight companies in the tender process or auction.
The chairman of the Goods and Services Procurement Working Group, namely the defendant Rieki Meidi Yuwana (RMY), at the request of the KPA, then conducted a construction auction without the completeness of the procurement technical documents that had received the approval of technical officials and the procurement qualification method contrary to regulations for the procurement of goods and services.
In this implementation, it is known that the construction of the Besitang-Langsa train road was not preceded by a feasibility study, there were no train track documents made by the Ministry of Transportation, as well as KPA commitment-making officials (PPK) and supervisory consultants deliberately moved the railway construction line that was not in accordance with the design and road documents so that the train line collapsed or decreased and could not be used.
From the implementation of the construction, Prasetyo received a fee from the defendant Akhmad Afif Setiawan (AAS) as PPK of Rp. 1.2 billion and from PT WTJ of Rp. 1.4 billion.
In this case, Prasetyo was charged with Article 2 or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended in Law Number 20 of 2021 jo. Article 55 Paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code.
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