JAKARTA – Gibran Rakabuming Raka is the Elected Mayor of Solo in the 2020 Solo Regional Elections. Before entering politics, President Joko Widodo's eldest son was first guided by a number of mentors at the national level. Who are they?

Gibran Rakabuming Raka's line-up of political mentors

Collected VOI from various sources, there are at least 3 political mentors who have guided Gibran, among others:

1. Zulkifli Hasan

The first person to become Gibran's political mentor was the Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan. He mentored Gibran during the 2020 regional elections.

Zulkifli is recorded as having given four important messages to Gibran. "First, do not forget the struggle of the founder of the nation. They want unity, they fight unity with sweat and blood, until the victims of life, do not let our politics today encourage division," Zulhas wrote on his personal Twitter account @ZUL_hasan, quoted by VOI, Thursday, April 8.

Zulkifli Hasan. (Dok. ICMI)

The second message, Gibran must maintain and fight for the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila which is the result of an agreement or consensus so that the public can feel the benefits through correct interpretation and experience.

The third message, Gibran was asked to forget the struggle of the scholars. And the fourth message aka the last, always in hand with the two wings that guard the country, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

2. Ganjar Pranowo

Gibran Rakabuming Raka's second political mentor was The Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar who in fact is a cadre of PDI Perjuangan, often involved in various activities to drive the electability of Gibran who was then the first to plunge into politics.

Ganjar Pranowo. (Dok Pemprov Jateng).

For example, in the morning leading up to the public debate of The Solo Election, Friday, April 6, 2020, while having soto breakfast at Warung Soto Gading, Ganjar gave tips to Gibran to appear calm and mentally winning.

In addition, Ganjar also participated in Gibran's blusukan to notohardjo cliché market. On that occasion, Ganjar reminded Gibran to follow jokowi's program when he became the Mayor of Solo who was famous for his fondness for blusukan and improving traditional markets.

3. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok

Gibran's last political mentor was Ahok. The two figures had just met at the Dinas House, Loji Gandrung, last Wednesday, April 7.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok. (Instagram/@basukibtp).

although the meeting was considered not a special meeting, Gibran claimed to learn from Ahok who currently serves as President Commissioner of Pertamina.

"There was a lot of input, especially green open space needs to be added again. There was also a lot of talk about leadership. He's one of the people I idolize. The person is firm and nothing gercep (fast motion, red)," said Gibran.

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