The General Election Commission (KPU) of Situbondo Regency, East Java, has again received the second phase of logistics in the form of ballots for the election of governors and deputy governors in the 2024 East Java Simultaneous Pilkada, Saturday, November 2.

Chairman of the Situbondo Regency KPU Hadi Prayitno said the ballots for the election of governors and deputy governors received yesterday amounted to 520,693 pieces, including an additional 2.5 percent.

"The election ballots for governors and deputy governors received are in accordance with those ordered, namely 520,693 sheets are in accordance with the number of orders or as needed," Hadi said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, November 3.

Previously, the Situbondo KPU had received ballot logistics for the election of 520,693 regents and deputy regents, including an additional 2.5 percent, of the 507,507 voters who entered the final voter list (DPT).

In addition to an additional 2.5 percent, there are also 2,000 spare ballots to anticipate if there is a re-voting (PSU).

"We have also received a plano result C model form for the election of 3,090 regents and 2,060 copies of the C model form (A4)," he said.

The KPU has received a plano result C model form for the election of governors and deputy governors of East Java as many as 3,090 sheets and a copy C model form (A4) of 2,060 sheets.

The Situbondo KPU has also received the first phase of the regional election logistics in the form of 2,094 ballot boxes, 12,360 plastic seales, 2,060 ink bottles, 4,120 sound booths, 51,482 pieces of paper seal, 14,508 pieces of regular cover, and 2,060 C form cover.

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