JAKARTA - Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan renovated 40 houses in Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Not a typical house, the concept of this house uses a model of a stilt house that aims to anticipate flooding.

Public policy observer Trubus Rahadiansyah said that this policy is clearly wrong because it is not a solution to overcome the floods faced by Jakartans. After all, the construction of stilt houses is only 40 units, while residents who are at flood-prone points are much more numerous.

"This is a discriminatory policy because it causes jealousy from other citizens because the number is only 40. So other residents who are flooded it's a lot and I think it also does not solve the problem," explained Trubus when contacted voi, Wednesday, April 7.

If you want to be fair, Anies Baswedan should build a stage model house for all flood victims. As for more comprehensive policies such as the relocation of citizens to rusunawa why not do not do.

According to Trubus, if the stilt house can 'save' residents from flooding then what about access around the house?

"If the stage house is made but in the area is also flooded, it is the same lie. Tarolah people are not flooded because the house hangs out or hangs on the water, but the daily activities remain paralyzed, can not do much," he explained.

Trubus added that some of Anies' policies are controversial, not solutive and short-term. He suggested that Anies focus on relocating residents who are at flood-prone points.

This is the same as the governor did before Anies, for example Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.

"Indeed the governor is most controversial because his policies are funny, not solutive and short-term. There is no urgency just to fulfill the popularity and short-term nature," explained Trubus.

The stage model house created by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan for a number of residents of Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta was criticized.

Anies renovated about 40 houses in Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, with the concept of a stilt house. A number of houses were located in RT 13 RW 04, RT 11 RW 05 and RT 06 RW 05.

"The stage house was built, the bottom was made as high as 3.5 meters," said East Jakarta Mayor Muhammad Anwar. Anwar said that the renovated house is a flood-prone area. Renovation with the concept of a stilt house was deliberately made to overcome the problem of flooding in kebon Pala settlements.

Meanwhile, he continued, the budget for the construction of the stilt house was sourced from the grant fund baznas (Baziz) DKI. However, Anwar did not detail the nominal budget.

"The budget is from Bazis (Badan Amil Zakat) Dki Provincial Government. Later in addition to being used as a residential concept of this stilt house can be used as a social interaction space," said Anwar.

Construction of the stilt house began on March 31, 2021. Targeted, the house was completed before Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri in May.

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