JAKARTA - Candidate for Governor of Jakarta number 3, Pramono Anung will run a free breakfast program for students at school if he wins the Jakarta gubernatorial election. This free breakfast will be an additional intake for students besides free lunch run by the central government.
Pramono claims that the DKI Provincial Government can run a free breakfast program from the existing regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD).
"Actually, in the Jakarta APBD funds, there is an allocation. So it's not something too new. It's just that this program will be synergized with a lunch program from the central government. In fact, there are two different things, so we propose for a free breakfast," said Pramono in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29.
In fact, Pramono guarantees free breakfast at school can be held next year after the inauguration of the Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta as a result of the 2024 Pilkada.
"The funds, the allocation already exists. In fact, if I am inaugurated in 2025, there will be funds. So, this program can definitely run. It's not something that comes from being like that," said Pramono.
Pramono is optimistic that the free breakfast program can run every day students go to school, similar to eating nutritious food for free. The cost per portion of this free breakfast, according to Pramono, is not much different from President Prabowo Subianto's mainstay program.
"So if I believe it will run, we will change the menu at any time. The important thing is to be healthy. That then there will be a fixed menu, nasi uduk, we will do it," he explained.
For information, the free nutritious food program (MBG) in schools has entered the trial stage. In Jakarta, at least 9,489 MBG packages have been distributed to several schools in Jakarta over the past two months.
In detail, the trial was conducted at SDN Cideng 07, Central Jakarta as many as 498 packages; SDN Rawa Badak Utara 03, North Jakarta as many as 371 packages; SDN 04 Cipayung, East Jakarta as many as 800 packages.
Then SDN Gunung 1 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta as many as 620 packages; SDN 01 and SMPN 03 Manggarai, South Jakarta as many as 1,500 packages; SDN 05 and 07 Wijaya Kusuma, West Jakarta as many as 700 packages; SDN 03 Rorotan.
Then North Jakarta as many as 900 packages; SMAN 70 Bulungan, South Jakarta as many as 1,300 packages; SMKN 26 Rawamangun, East Jakarta as many as 1,600 packages; SDN Menteng 03, Central Jakarta as many as 500 packages; and SMPN 270, North Jakarta as many as 700 packages.
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