JAKARTA - Operations of the simulation building of the Planetarium Jakarta celestial body at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) are still closed. The closure of the Jakarta Planetarium since 2020 has so far raised questions from the public.
Secretary of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Justin Adrian Untayana said that the reason for the Planetarium not operating was due to the dualism in management between the DKI Jakarta Culture Service and the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro).
According to Justin, this condition has resulted in no improvement of the projector and delays in the use of these facilities as a means of education and cultural promotion.
Justin also urged the DKI Provincial Government to solve the dualism problem of management that occurred after the revitalization of the TIM. Because, this is detrimental to people who want to take advantage of the facilities there.
"We strongly support the operation of the Planetarium to be restored soon, but this management dualism must be completed immediately. Without clarity, there is a risk that the budget proposed by the Department of Culture is not on target or hampered by its implementation," Justin said in his statement, Tuesday, October 29.
During the current 2025 APBD preparation period, Justin emphasized that the Culture Service must be able to explain the Planetarium management scheme before the budget submission is approved.
According to Justin, as a company, PT Jakpro has the right to manage revitalization results facilities, but the function of public education and scientific development has been the responsibility of the Culture Service.
This condition is allegedly causing uncertainty in management management management, and it is the community who will be harmed because of the hampered access to important educational programs.
"We emphasize the spirit that the Jakarta Planetarium will soon operate again and become the pride of the community again. However, the DKI Provincial Government must ensure that this facility is managed properly and transparently so that the benefits can be felt by all residents," said Justin.
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