JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR from the PKS faction, Netty Prasetiyani, asked the government to explain the achievements of implementing the pre-employment card program. This is because the 11 programs that have been running with a budget allocation of IDR 20 trillion are not yet known whether the target is right on target or not.
"The pre-employment card is not the Ministry of Manpower realm, but I want the government to explain because after all the IDR 20 trillion budget must be accounted for and must be calculated", Netty said at the Working Meeting and RDP with the Ministry of Manpower and the Manpower Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan at Commission IX DPR, Wednesday April 7th.
The legislator for the West Java electoral district revealed that the number of recipients in an area, namely Badung, Bali, only reached tens of thousands. In fact, the implementation has entered the 12th batch. She is worried that the number of recipients of the program is fictitious.
"According to the regent of Badung yesterday, the pre-work cards which were implemented up to 11 batches only got 11,270 people. I am afraid this will be fictitious", said Netty.
In line with Netty, a member of Commission IX DPR from the Nasdem faction, Fadholi asked the government to review the implementation of the pre-employment card program. This is because many program participants in certain areas are still constrained by technology.
"The basis for the issuance of this card needs to be reviewed, is there an allocation per district? If it is given only on the basis of the internet, where the internet is good, it is faster, then it cannot be evenly distributed throughout Indonesia", said Fadholi.
According to him, it is necessary to specify by regency the number of people who have lost their jobs. And it must be ascertained how many people were laid off, including the labor force who had not yet got a job.
After it is divided by region, he said, the data will be seen. So, those who have difficulty accessing the internet can also be accommodated.
"If the basic pre-work card only uses the internet, it is very troublesome, so many people are confused about accessing it and then give up because once the internet is entered, the internet doesn't just enter. Now there must be a new breakthrough divided by region really evaluated", said the Legislator of Central Java.
Responding to members' questions, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziah said that she would forward the DPR Commission IX's input to the Project Management Office (PMP) as the implementer of the pre-employment card program.
"We will continue to convey all evaluations to the pre-employment card program implementers", said Ida at the meeting.
The PKB politician also claimed to have asked for assistance in implementing the pre-employment card. So that people who are constrained by the internet can participate in the program.
"From the beginning we asked for assistance so that it can be accessed by the wider community for those who are clueless. For the service to assist the pre-employment card participants", she said.
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