JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that 21,939 state administrators had not submitted the State Administrators Asset Report (LHKPN). As of March 31, the KPK has received 356,133 LHKPN, out of a total of 378,072 required reports or around 94.20 percent who have submitted LHKPN.

"The details are that the executive sector is recorded as 94.22 percent of the total 306,217 obliged to report. The judicial sector is recorded at 98.27 percent of the total 19,778 obliged to report. The legislative sector is 84.84 percent of the total 20,094 obliged to report. From BUMN (State-Owned Corporation) is recorded that 97.34 percent of the total 31,983 are obliged to report", said KPK spokesman for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding in a written statement, Wednesday, April 7.

Furthermore, the KPK also noted that 762 out of 1,404 agencies in Indonesia had submitted 100 percent LHKPN. Meanwhile, as many as 37 agencies were recorded as having reported in full.

"In the executive sector at the central government level, out of 93 officials at the ministerial level, deputy ministers, and heads of agencies or institutions, there are 5 state administrators who are obliged to report periodically who have not fulfilled the LHKPN obligations", he said.

Meanwhile, at the regional government level, the KPK noted that out of a total of 515 regional heads including governors, regents, and mayors, 33 regional heads had not submitted their wealth reports.

"The KPK gradually verifies the submitted assets report. If the verification results are declared incomplete, then state officials are required to submit the completeness within a maximum of 30 days from receipt of the notification", said Ipi.

If the deadline is not met, the KPK will return an incomplete report. Furthermore, state officials are deemed not to have submitted LHKPN and this has an impact on the level of compliance of agencies and nationally.

Ipi said the KPK would still accept state officials who were delivered after the deadline, which is March 31. "However, the LHKPN was recorded with the status of reporting 'Late Reporting'", he said.

Furthermore, he appealed to state officials at the executive, judicial, legislative, and BUMN levels who have not submitted their wealth reports to continue to fulfill their LHKPN obligations. This is one of the important instruments in preventing corruption so that the filling must be done honestly, correctly, and completely.

Ipi reminded that the reporting of assets is an obligation for every state administrator by the provisions of Article 5 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of a State that is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism.

The law requires state administrators to be prepared to have their assets examined before, during, and after taking office. "They are also required to report and announce their assets before and after taking office", he concluded.

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