BANYUMAS - Officers of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Banyumas City Police (Polresta), Central Java, succeeded in uncovering cases of sending dozens of dogs that were suspected of being sold for consumption.

"On Thursday, October 24 at around 02.30 WIB, there were reports from the public who secured 31 dogs. After we conducted the examination, there were actually 35 dogs but there were 4 dead," said Head of the Banyumas Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Andryansyah Rithas Hasibuan during a press conference at the Banyumas Police Headquarters, Purwokerto, Antara, Monday, October 28.

Andryansyah said that his party had processed and investigated the findings of the community. In fact, he has named a suspect with the initials S (25), a resident of Garut, West Java.

"Against the suspect, we apply Article 89 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 46 paragraph (5) of the Animal Husbandry and Health Law with a maximum penalty of 5 years," he said.

Based on the results of the interim examination, he said, the suspect would take dozens of dogs to Cilacap Regency. However, his party will still investigate to determine whether the dozens of dogs are really going to Cilacap or other areas because the information is still confusing.

"Information from the person who secured it will be brought to Solo. However, from the confession of the suspect who wants to be brought to Cilacap. Therefore, we need to investigate where he really wants to be taken," he emphasized.

Based on the suspect's confession, this activity has been carried out more than once in several areas that enter the Central Java region.

According to him, the dogs were bought by the suspect at a price of around Rp. 100,000 per head and sold at varying prices.

"According to the perpetrators, the dogs will be sold for consumption," said Kasatreskrim.

Meanwhile, Animals Hope Shelter founder and Chairman Christian Joshua Pale admitted that he had been investigating the shipment of dogs from Garut for approximately 1 month.

"A week ago, before we raided, we followed it. The suspect already knew the routes, did not pass through public roads, but 'rat roads'," he said.

He admitted that he was desperate when he was going to raid or stop the car carrying dozens of dogs, namely by throwing the car he was driving in the middle of the road that entered the Jatilawang area, Banyumas Regency.

According to him, the raid was assisted by the police who happened to be on patrol.

"The dogs will be taken to Solo Raya for processing and consumption. That's because the trade in dog meat for Solo Raya is the largest in Indonesia," he said.

He admitted that he deliberately raided the dog's shipment in Banyumas because if it was done in Solo, the perpetrators would admit that the dogs came from Cilacap, which incidentally is still in Central Java.

Thus, he said, the perpetrators could not be charged with the quarantine article because in one or two months they could be free from punishment.

"I didn't want to, so I raided when they had left West Java and entered Central Java, so it was inter-provincial," he said.

He hopes that the government of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, an effort to enforce animal welfare (animal welfare) can run properly. Thus, he said, there is a deterrent effect on the perpetrators of dog trafficking so that there are no more similar incidents that continue to repeat themselves.

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