The AGO revealed that the former Kabadiklat Kumdil of the Supreme Court with the initials ZR (Zarof Ricar) who was a suspect in the alleged bribery conspiracy case in Ronald Tannur's cassation, was also a broker for the management of other cases in the Supreme Court for 10 years.

"In addition to the case of conspiracy, ZR while serving as Head of Balitbang Diklat Kumdil MA received gratuities for managing cases in the Supreme Court in the form of money," said Director of Investigation at Jampidsus AGO Abdul Qohar, Friday, October 25.

He explained that the crime was discovered after investigators searched ZR's house in the Senayan area, Jakarta, regarding the case of conspiracy with lawyer Ronald Tannur with the initials LR who is also a suspect in this case.

The suspect LR gave Rp5 billion to ZR to be given to the Supreme Court judge who handled the cassation of Ronald Tannur's case.

Then in the safe in the house, investigators found cash from various currencies, amounting to Rp5,725,075,000, 74,494,427 Singapore dollars, 1,897,362 US dollars, 483,320 Hong Kong dollars, and 71,200 Euros.

"In total, if converted in rupiah, the amount is Rp. 920,912,303,714," he said.

In addition, investigators also found 51 kilograms of Antam gold.

During the examination, said Qohar, ZR admitted that the money was collected from 2012 to 2022 or for 10 years.

After 2022, ZR no longer committed the crime because it had entered retirement.

"Where did this money come from? According to the information concerned, most of this was obtained from case management," he said.

When investigators asked what cases ZR had helped trace, Qohar said ZR admitted that he did not remember.

"Because there are so many, he forgot. Because there are many, yes," he said.

Regarding the possibility of money laundering (TPPU) committed by ZR, he said he was still waiting for the development of the case.

"We haven't done (investigation, red) TPPU. We'll see how it develops," he said.

He also emphasized that investigators are still investigating the sources of billions of funds owned by the suspect LR.

"This real source of funds came from LR's hands. We are investigating this tonight. From whom and where, we will progress further. The person concerned is being investigated for the second case (the evil conspiracy of bribery, ed.)," he said.

The AGO has named ZR and LR as suspects in the alleged bribery or gratuity conspiracy case to Supreme Court Justice to smooth out Ronald Tannur's cassation decision, the defendant in the murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

Suspect ZR is charged with Article 5 Paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 15 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

ZR is also suspected of Article 12B in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

The suspect LR is charged with Article 5 Paragraph 1 jo. Article 15 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

ZR is being held at the AGO detention center for the next 20 days, while LR is not detained because he has been detained based on the alleged bribery case at three judges at the Surabaya District Court who acquitted Ronald Tannur.

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