YOGYAKARTA - Profile of March Samuel Sueken is interesting to discuss, because he was recently appointed as Independent Commissioner of PT. Industrial Engineering by the decision of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.

Samual Sueken, who has the characteristics of long hair, previously also served as General Chair of the Development Policy Assistance Network. Curious about his track record?

Reporting from the Linkedin Samuel Sueken page, here are some data that can be collected:

March Samuel Sueken is an experienced professional in engineering with specialties in Electrical Instrumentation (EI) and commissioning.

This graduate of Hasanuddin University started his career at Pertamina in 1999 as part of the EI Construction and Commissioning team, then continued in Total E&P in East Kalimantan for four years.

Samuel Sueken has joined several major companies such as Chevron, VICO Indonesia, and Hess Corporation in a similar position (EI Construction and commissioning), which strengthens his expertise in the energy industry.

In addition, his international experience also includes the role of commissioning engineer at PTTEP, Thailand in 2009.

Samuel Sueken also served as Interface Manager at Premier Oil in 2011 before becoming EI and HUC Manager at PT Timas Suplindo in Jakarta, the position he holds until 2022.

Since October 2022, March has been a Commissioner at PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero). More than two decades working with Cegelec (VINCI Energies) in the commissioning project has added to its global insight in this field.

In 2024, March Samuel Sueken has been appointed by SOE Minister Erick Thohir as Independent Commissioner of PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind).

PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) itself is an industrial design company that focuses on Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) services.

The Rekind commitment is to provide added value for customers through integrated industrial solutions that prioritize World-class Health, Safety, & Environment (HSE) standards.

For more than 40 years, the company has built a variety of large-scale modern industries in the petrochemical, fertilizer, oil and gas (both mainland and offshore) sectors, minerals and mining, electrical energy (including new and renewable energy), agro industries, as well as other infrastructure, at home and abroad.

Rekind also contributes to the national economy by empowering local companies and labor, as well as ensuring that its projects meet the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) without compromising quality.

Most recently, Samuel Sueken joined the Artist of Public Communication for Cultural Wisdom (SKPKB), together with film artist Fendy Pradana and Raja Asdi from the Cross-Cultural Generation Foundation.

The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, expressed his support to form a SKPKB Task Force under the Ministry of Communication and Information.

In his statement in Jakarta on Saturday, Budi Arie emphasized the important role of artists in preserving cultural wisdom and strengthening national identity.

In the future, this Task Force will play an active role both in the digital world and in the field, designing various public communication ideas that prioritize cultural wisdom as a medium to strengthen the sense of nationality intensively and optimally under the coordination of the Ministry of Communication and Information.

Apart from the March Samuel Sueken Profile, follow other interesting articles too. Want to know other interesting information? Don't miss it, keep an eye on the updated news from VOI and follow all the social media accounts!

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