JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) held a hearing to examine alleged violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) case Number 214-PKE-DKPP/IX/2024 in the DKPP Session Room, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 23. In this case, the defendants are the Chairperson and five members of the Indonesian KPU.

Mikewati Vera Tangka, Misthohizzaman, Listyowati, Rotua Valentina, Wirdyaningsih, Egi Primayogha Mardhika, Hadar Nafis Gumay, Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati, and Wahidah Suaib. The nine names gave power to Dudy Agung Trisna and his friends.

The complainant complained to the Chairman and five members of the Indonesian KPU, namely Idham Holik, Mochammad Afifuddin (Chairman), Yulianto Sudrajat, Betty Epsilon Idroos, Parsadaan Harahap, and August Mellaz as Defendants I to Defendant VI.

The defendants are argued not to follow up on the Indonesian Bawaslu Decision Number 010/LP/ADM.PL/BWSL/00.00/XI/2023 dated November 29, 2023 and did not make improvements to the procedures, procedures, and mechanisms so that there was a re-voting (PSU) for the Gorontalo Provincial DPRD Member Election in the Electoral Area (Dapil) 6.

The Indonesian Bawaslu Decision Number 010/2023 states that Defendant I to Defendant VI committed an election administrative violation for not following up on Supreme Court Decision Number 24P/Hum/2023 concerning the fulfillment of 30 percent of women's representation in each electoral district.

However, said Sri Afrianis' attorney, the defendants did not follow up on adjusting the representation of 30 percent of women based on the Supreme Court's decision.

Until the voting stage and vote counting for the 2024 General Election, he continued, 267 permanent candidates (DCT) were still used for the election for members of the DPR RI and 1,016 DCT for the election for provincial DPRD members who had not fulfilled the 30 percent representation of women.

Constitutional Court Decision Number 125-01-08-29/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 which ordered PSU in all polling stations in the Gorontalo 6 Electoral Area (Dapil) because there were no political parties that could meet the representation of 30 percent of women for the election of provincial DPRD members.

In the decision, the Constitutional Court stated that the KPU (the defendants) should understand the Supreme Court's Decision Number 24P/Hum/2023 which has permanent legal force.

Instead, he said, the KPU deliberately ignored the Supreme Court's decision which caused the representation of 30 percent of women in the 6th Gorontalo electoral district.

"The case that we submitted to the DKPP specifically on the disobedience of the defendants to legal obligations that arise after the Indonesian Bawaslu Decision Number 10/2023 and the defendants have ignored the Supreme Court Decision Number 24P/Hum/2023 as a form of administrative improvement as stated in the Indonesian Bawaslu decision," he explained.

Meanwhile, in carrying out every stage of the election, Defendant I to Defendant VI emphasized that it was always guided by the applicable laws and regulations. In this case, Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections and other laws and regulations related to elections.

Mochammad Afifuddin as Defendant II emphasized that 30 percent of women's representation arrangements in the submission of candidates for members of the DPR RI, provinces, and regencies/cities have actually been regulated by PKPU Number 10 of 2023 and are not contrary to the Election Law.

"This regulation does not reduce the representation of 30 percent of women or affiliated actions, but makes it clear that the method or method of calculating representation is not regulated by the Election Law," said Afifuddin.

In the context of the complainant complaint argument which states that the defendants did not carry out the Bawaslu Decision Number 010/LP/ADM.PL/BWSL/00.00/XI/2023, Defendant II emphasized that there was not a single complaint about alleged ethical violations that Bawaslu reported to DKPP.

In addition, the scope of complaints in this case is similar to Case Number 110-PKE-DKPP/IX/2023 which was decided by DKPP on October 23, 2023, related to the issue of representing 30 percent of women.

"The object, the parties, and the subject matter of this complaint (case) are the same case that was decided by the DKPP so that it should not be able to be re-examined for the second time by the DKPP," he concluded.

The trial was chaired by the Chairman of the DKPP Heddy Lugito as chairman of the assembly. Acting as members of the assembly, namely J. Kristiadi, Ratna Dewi Pettalolo, I Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi, and Muhammad Tio Aliansyah.

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