JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Agustina Hermanto (Tina Toon) admitted that he was annoyed to see the attitude of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government who resigned if the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) assistance was removed in order to be able to run the free school program for the private sector.

Tina emphasized that the DPRD agreed to run a free school program in 2025 with a new budget without using KJP funds. Because, according to Tina, the DKI Provincial Government will receive revenue sharing funds (DBH) from the central government.

"Because there is a profit-sharing fund of an additional IDR 6 trillion, our budget is IDR 90 trillion now. cook, it's not possible, we can help the wider community? Don't do one new program for welfare, but the old program is turned off, it's painful," said Tina in a working meeting with the DKI Education Office at the DKI DPRD Building, Wednesday, October 23.

In a meeting of the DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar) with the DKI Provincial Government yesterday, Tina heard the confession from the DKI Provincial Government that KJP could no longer be budgeted because its allocation was used for free schools.

In fact, the DKI Provincial Government should be able to maximize the budget formulation so that the two programs can go hand in hand.

"From this service yesterday, don't say it directly, 'don't be able'. We are really upset, sir, frankly! Simulate the budget first, the policy, the SOP, now how many recipients, how much can you add later. Don't say you can't!" said Tina.

This member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD emphasized that both himself and other members of the legislature must receive complaints about the needs of the KJP during the recess period to meet the community. So, according to him, the KJP cannot be removed for now.

"You don't feel if we go down, are in recess, are meeting people, all of them talk about it on average, 'KJP I haven't got it'. If it's removed or deleted, checks are for sure, and those who are noisy are not the people, we used to be noisy," explained Tina.

Currently, the DKI Jakarta DPRD and the DKI Provincial Government are preparing a general budget policy and a temporary budget priority ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2025 budget year APBD.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ima Mahdiah, said that his party is currently fiddling with the allocation of the APBD draft next year to be able to run a free school program for private educational institutions in Jakarta.

There was a discourse that the free school budget would be taken from the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) distribution budget. Thus, the educational assistance program has the potential to be removed because it is diverted to free schools.

However, Ima said that his party was trying to keep KJP running, considering that the educational assistance program was still very much needed by students from the community who could not afford it.

Thus, temporary, executive and legislative solutions will apply to the central government so that the budget of the DKI Jakarta Education Office can be increased from the composition of the APBD.

"The Education Office gets 27 percent of the APBD. What will later be offered to the central government, can 27 percent of it be outside of the teacher's salaries? Because 27 percent of it, when teachers' salaries have entered, education problems in Jakarta will not be resolved. So that will be tried in the future, "explained Ima, some time ago.

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