SEMARANG - Polrestabes Semarang arrested a woman who committed theft by sedating her victim using drinking water mixed with eye drops.

Kasat Reskrim Polrestabes Semarang AKBP Indra Mardiana said the perpetrator was named Dinda Aristya Wardana (28). The perpetrators targeted the rental car drivers as victims.

The perpetrator also carried out a similar action in Kudus and succeeded in selling the victim's car.

AKBP Indra explained that the crime of theft was revealed after the police received a report from a rental driver who received treatment at the hospital after drinking the drink laced with eye drops.

"The suspect rented a rental car and driver in Magelang. The perpetrator asked to be delivered to Pekalongan," he continued.

On the way to Semarang City, the perpetrator launched his action at one of the gas stations.

The driver of the rental car felt sick and fell unconscious, the perpetrator then ordered a taxi online.

Indra explained that the online taxi driver was hired to drive the victim's car, because the perpetrator could not drive.

"The victim was driven by the perpetrator to the hospital in a car driven by the ordered online taxi driver," he said.

Based on the victim's information while in the hospital, finally the perpetrator was immediately arrested along with the stolen car.

AKBP Indra said that the suspect, who is a recidivist of the theft case, plans to sell the stolen car at a low price so that it will be sold immediately. For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft.

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